Prototipos de PCB de forma sencilla

Servicio completo para prototipos de PCB personalizados.

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How to generate Gerber files from ALtium Designer (DXP)

Version number: 23.5.1

Gerber Files

Select the menu bar, click "File"->"Fabrication Outputs"->"Gerber Files", as shown in the figure below.


After clicking, the Gerber Setup interface will appear. Refer to the red boxes in the figure below to select the Layers to plot page, and click "Plot Layers"->"Select Used".


On the Advanced page, select as shown below.


Click Apply, and the pop-up .Cam project file can be closed directly without saving.


Drill Files

Select the menu bar, click "File"->"Fabrication Outputs"->"NC Drill Files".


After clicking, the NC Drill Setup interface will pop up, select as shown below and click OK.


Import Drill Data Page appears, keep the default setting and click OK.


The pop-up .Cam project file can be closed directly without saving.


So far, both Gerber files and drill files have been exported. As shown below.


Ultima actualización en 31/05/2024
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