Prototipos de PCB de forma sencilla
Servicio completo para prototipos de PCB personalizados.
9:00 - 18:00, Mon.- Fri. (GMT+8)
9:00 - 12:00, Sat. (GMT+8)
(Excepto los días festivos chinos públicos)
Fusion 360 is the first and only integrated cloud CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB software platform of its kind.
When you finish designing a PCB in Fusion 360 and need to export coordinate files for the PCB manufacturer, you may find
that using the "MANUFACTURING" -> "OUTPUTS" -> "PickAndPlace" option in the menu generates coordinate files in the
mnt format. In fact, there is another way to generate coordinate files in .csv format.
This guide uses the demo board example in Fusion 360 software named "Air_Quality_Sensor."
Step 1: Open the Fusion 360 and select "File" -> "Open" -> "Sample" -> "Electronics Samples" -> "Air_Quality_Sensor,"
as shown in the image below.
Step 2: Open the board file for "Air_Quality_Sensor," as indicated by the red box in the image below.
Step 3: Choose the "MANUFACTURING" -> "MANUFACTURING" -> "CAM Processor" from the menu bar, as indicated by
the red box in the image below.
Step 4: In the CAM Processor window that appears, on the left side, select "Assembly" -> "Pick and Place."
On the right side, choose "CSV" for Output Type. Finally, click on "Export File" in the bottom right corner, then select the
desired save path.
The exported files are shown in the image below. Save the Pick and Place files for both the front and back separately.