PCB tesla coil

Perfect quality, everything fit exactly, silkscreen is without artifacts. Track very precise. This board si for my PCB tesla coil, It is very hard to manufacture because there is on small space 240turns spiral, about 500 very close tracks 6/6 mil FEATURES Input power 10V - 35V from 5V USB powered step up converter or notebook 19V power supply. Frequency 2Mhz - 4Mhz No special components, just LED, BD243 transistor and 82K resistor Development status: v1 7/7mill not working v2 on video working, 100turns, no visible sparks v3 on pictures 160turns, works much better but no sparks v4 150x150mm PCB, 240 turns, is now manufactured in PCBWay

May 15,2019
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