Communication & Automation


Welcome to the KiCad Open Source Design Contest! This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your creativity and technical skills. We invite you to utilize the KiCad open-source software to design innovative circuit boards and bring them to life, and sharing them with electronics enthusiasts worldwide. This is not only an opportunity to showcase your technical abilities but also a chance to win generous cash prizes and rewards! Join us now and let your designs lead the way in future technology!


Project Submission
April 2nd - June 2nd
Project Evaluation
June 3rd - July 3rd
Announcement of Project Results
July 16th


Communication Project

Everything about wireless technology, network connectivity, data transmission,communication modules, IoT devices, remote control, sensor networks or others.

Automation Project

Everything about automatic control, smart systems, sensor technology, actuator design, automation processes, smart homes, industrial automation or others.

Free Theme

If your project does not belong to either of the above two themes, then you can choose a free theme according to your own preference to submit your designs.


10 Great-Project Awards

$100 +Raspberry Pi 5 4GB

Participation Award

Raspberry Pi Pico + PCBWay & KiCad Bag

Event Rules

1.Any individual or team is eligible to participate, regardless of their location or background.Entries must be open-source hardware projects. Participation will be disqualified if plagiarism is detected.

2.Participants must use KiCad as the circuit design tool and submit their design files on the PCBWay platform.

3.The intellectual property rights of the participating projects belong to the entrants and must ensure that their submitted works do not infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights. Three themes are of this contest are opened: Communication Project, Automation Project and Free Theme. Each entrant can choose either theme to participate in and allowed to upload multiple projects.

4.The submitted design files must be complete and comply with the requirements of the PCBWay platform, including PCB design files, Bill of Materials (BOM), manufacturing files, etc.

5.How to participate? Click the "Participate Now" button on the contest page, or create a new project on the PCBWay community. Click the "Submit project to…" button on the page, then select the appropriate theme, "Communication Project" or "Automation Project" or "Free Theme".

6.Regarding the participation prizes Raspberry Pi Pico and PCBWay & Kicad bag, once each entry is approved by PCBWay, 800 beans will be credited to your PCBWay account, of which 500 beans you can use to redeem Pico in the store, and 300 beans will be used for redeem PCBWay & Kicad Bag.

7.The event organizer reserves the right to interpret and adjust the rules of the event and has the right to cancel or modify the event plan. For any inquiries, please contact


Wayne Stambaugh
Senior Engineer,KiCad Project Leader
The lead developer for the KiCad project. Wayne has been working on KiCad for over ten years and been the project leader for the last four years. Wayne has 33 years of experience as an electronics design and test engineer in analog and digital hardware design and embedded hardware and software design.
Anson Bao
NDT & Electronic Engineer, PCBWay, Marketing Manager
Anson used to be a NDT engineer and electronic engineer,now he is PCBWay marketing manager. He has been committed to bring a better experience to PCBWay members and help more people like electronic.

Selection Criteria

Project Design

Project Design

We will comprehensively evaluate the complexity and innovation of the project design.

Project Description

Project Description

A complete project description includes functions, videos, programs, and more. Comprehensive information aids understanding. Open-source files are crucial for review.



Don't forget to share your project to garner more support!

Social Significance

Social Significance

We look forward to seeing more and more great projects that can have a positive impact on society.



Comentarios (8)
Este mensaje aquí es solo una sugerencia que complementa el contenido anterior y no para operaciones comerciales como pedidos. Si tiene alguna pregunta urgente o problemas con el pedido, comuníquese con su representante de ventas.
Solo puede subir 1 archivo en total. Cada archivo no se puede exceder los 2 MB. Admite JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP
0 / 10000

    The contest has ended and thanks all of our participants! Meet the WINNERS!
