
[PCB Assembly] Can you supply Samtec QSS-050-L-D-A-GP? 2..5 prototype pcb assembly

Can you supply Samtec QSS-050-L-D-A-GP? For 2..5 prototype pcb assembly, 1 part per pcb

[PCB Prototype] where can i find the rating of resister capacitor rating in Open-Watch: An open-source handmade smartwatch tis project for PCB

where can i find the resister capacitor rating in Open-Watch: An open-source handmade smartwatch tis project for PCB

[PCB Prototype] Help me build my own gamepad mainboard

Hello. I'm trying to build my own gamepad, can someone help me build the mainboard? I don't really know where to start. Is there some "standard gamepad motherboard" kinda thing? Any kind of informatio...

[PCB Prototype] pcb B760 Revox

Good morning , I noticed after having the pcbs made , that the audio output connections of the BT AS1711 module are missing, I would need help , thank youPaolo

[PCB Prototype] Does it come with components?

Does this board come with the components listed (C1, C1, R1, etc.)? If not, where can I source these? Thanks!

[PCB Prototype] Question about components of the macro pcb

in your macro pcb (https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/A_simple_macro_keyboard_.html) it says "1N418WS diode", is that a typo and youre talking about a 1N4148WS Diode? because im trying to re...

[PCB Prototype] please can you help me to export Gerber file in HFSS?

please can you help me to export Gerber file in HFSS

[PCB Prototype] 48v 100ah setup

Do you have a 48v 100ah in this same design as you 36v for diy?

[PCB Prototype] Altium: Metal core PCB stack up information.

Hello, I wish to prototype a LED board using a IMS PCB (metal core PCB). It would be a single layer board, with your thin 100-150µm insulating foil then immediately followed by a copper (see the attac...
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