All Categories

Computers & USB

USB is a serial bus standard for connecting computer systems with external devices, which is widely used in information communication products such as personal computers and mobile devices.
1,339 Projects |
42,520 Source Files

DIY Electronics

Do It Yourself with Electronics!
6,909 Projects |
146,928 Source Files


STEM education is an experiential learning pedagogy in which the application of knowledge and skills are integrated through in-context projects or problems focused on learning outcomes.
473 Projects |
2,190 Source Files


ESP32 is a series of low-cost, low-power microcontroller, which integrates Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth.
466 Projects |
7,904 Source Files

Fabrication Tools

PCB about fabrication tools.
132 Projects |
1,810 Source Files


Aircraft managed by a remote control station (including remotely piloted or autonomously flying). The essence of the drone is to use electronic equipment instead of the pilot to fly the aircraft.
88 Projects |
854 Source Files


Everything about the guitar with PCB.
247 Projects |
942 Source Files


A general term for all kinds of physical devices in a computer system, which are composed of electronic, mechanical and photoelectric elements.
2,227 Projects |
42,118 Source Files

Home Automation

Home automation refers to building automation in the home, also known as smart home. Home automation system can control lights, windows, temperature and humidity, etc.
711 Projects |
10,563 Source Files


The Internet of Things is a system in which computing equipment, machinery and digital machines are interrelated.
674 Projects |
10,341 Source Files
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