Prototipos de PCB de forma sencilla

Servicio completo para prototipos de PCB personalizados.

Centro de Ayuda
Enviando un mensaje
9:00 - 23:00, Mon.- Sun. (GMT+8)
Líneas directas de servicio
+86 571 8531 7532

9:00 - 18:00, Mon.- Fri. (GMT+8)

9:00 - 12:00, Sat. (GMT+8)

(Excepto los días festivos chinos públicos)

¿Cómo podemos ayudar?

Brazilian Customers are required to provide tax ID number when placing orders.

Regarding the new rule of Brazilian Customs, packages arrived in Brazil from Jan. 1st, 2020 is required to attach with the tax ID number (Known as CPF or CNPJ). Or else, parcels cannot be cleared at customs and might even be forfeited in certain cases. The format of CPF for natural persons is 000.000.000-00 and CNPJ for legal persons is 00.000.000/0000-00.

Buyers in Brazil are required to add the CPF when editing the shipping address to avoid the failure of customs clearance. Please note that the CPF you add will be disclosed to relevant  logistics partners for customs clearance purposes.

1, How to add the CPF before/after the order shipped?

You can add the CPF when editing the shipping address: [My PCBWay] – [Delivery Address] –[Edit Shipping Address], enter CPF, click [Submit] to save the shipping information.


2, Can I receive the order if lack of CPF?

All the packages without CPF arrived in Brazil from Jan. 1st, 2020 will be held in Brazilian Custom. Please add the CPF in the shipping address ASAP before Jan. 1st, 2020.

Ultima actualización en 30/05/2023
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